FACE OFF! It’s All Fun And Games Until You Touch Your Face!
Check out this Coronavirus technology. Face off makes use of TensorFlow.js – specifically the pre-trained models in posenet.js and body-pix.js. All detection, processing, and rendering is done in the browser. Body pix allows them to approximate hand and face center points; if either of your hands comes within a bounding box around your face, it assumes you have touched your face. Posenet allows the computer to pull eye location which is then used to render the logo over your eyes for the shareable GIF at the end.
After you leave your meeting, FACEOFF will leave you with a shareable GIF of your gameplay. Simply click the arrow to download, and share your GIF wherever you want (you should convert it to .mp4 if you want to share on the ‘gram – more on that here).
FACEOFF is the third project of of deep local’s, “Cabin Fever” series. During this pandemic, they’re applying their creative engineering expertise to some exploratory work. Some of it is aiming to help solve real challenges that the medical community is facing, and some are maker projects that inject a little bit of fun into all of our lives. Like so many people right now, they hope to use what they have to provide others with help, solutions, or just a bit of joy.